Wedi’i ychwanegu at eich Cynllunydd Taith isod

Cyfrifiannell pellter

Pellter a fesurwyd: - Milltiroedd (- km)

Cael proffil graddiant llwybr

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Ewch o un opsiwn i’r llall isod i ddangos y marcwyr sydd ar gael.

Cyffredinol Marchogaeth Beicio


Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb




Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb



Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb


Mae'r proffil o uchder eich teithlen yn cael ei greu pan fyddwch yn defnyddio’r cyfrifiannell pellter (uchod) i dynnu llinell.

Replicas of the Watlington Hoard can be seen in a display case in the library during opening hours (the original artefacts can be seen at the Ashmolean in Oxford). The hoard is a mixture of Viking and Saxon coins and other valuable items.

Watlington in Oxfordshire lies on the Icknield Way and it is possible that the Viking army buried the hoard. King Alfred the Great was known to have made deals with the Vikings to secure their departure and so this hoard may have been part of such a deal between the two forces.

There is no charge to see the display case and booking is not required - just ask at the reception desk. Check the library webpage for library opening times.

Discover more about the Watlington Hoard through the Ridgeway Top 50 King Alfred, Icknield Way and Swords and Hoards.

Manylion yr atyniad

Watlington Library, Greengates, 35 High Street, Watlington, Oxfordshire OX49 5PZ