Wedi’i ychwanegu at eich Cynllunydd Taith isod

Cyfrifiannell pellter

Pellter a fesurwyd: - Milltiroedd (- km)

Cael proffil graddiant llwybr

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Hidlwyr Map

Ewch o un opsiwn i’r llall isod i ddangos y marcwyr sydd ar gael.

Cyffredinol Marchogaeth Beicio


Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb




Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb



Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb


Mae'r proffil o uchder eich teithlen yn cael ei greu pan fyddwch yn defnyddio’r cyfrifiannell pellter (uchod) i dynnu llinell.

The fourth stretch of the North Downs Way guides us from the town of Merstham, renowned for its quarries that supplied 'Reigate Stone' during medieval times for constructing portions of Westminster Abbey, Windsor Castle, and the now-disassembled Nonsuch Palace.
Departing from Merstham, the trail ascends along well-trodden paths, weaving through woodlands, passing churches, a 19th-century tower, and opening to mesmerizing viewpoints. As we approach Oxted, the path descends through fields and waste land before traversing the M25 and leading us to Oxted station.
As you book onto this walk you will be giving the option to join our WhatsApp lift share group to allow us to lift share between stops. We will also be letting you know our choice of accommodation (where applicable) should you wish to book where we are staying and join us.
Please let us know if you are running late or not attending otherwise the walk will leave on time.
We will be stopping for a bring your own picnic lunch at around mid-day.
Meeting time – 8:15am ready for a 08:30am prompt start (times might slightly change to accommodate train arrivals on the day)
Meeting location – Merstham train station RH1 3ED
Finishing location – Oxted train station RH8 9EU
Parking – parking is available at Guildford and Dorking train station
Walk type - Linear.
Terrain – There is one climb, but this is short lived, other than that this is slightly undulating.
Distance – approximately 11 miles / 18 km approx. (including to and from the stations).
Walking time – 5-6 hours walking (with a bring-your -own lunch stop)
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We will be stopping for a bring your own picnic lunch at around mid-day.
Dogs are welcome if they are friendly and will go on a lead when required such as entering fields of livestock.
If we can ask everyone to bring with them:
A - Suitable footwear (strong shoes or boots preferably walking boots no Flip-flops)
B- A waterproof coat (and waterproof trousers?) in case of rain
C - Drinking water and a packed lunch
D - Personal medication (please make the group leader aware in confidence of any medical condition you have that may affect you in the walk no matter how small)
E- Suitable walking clothing
There might only be 'natural' toilets along the way (a bush).
• We do take pictures on our walks for promotional and training purposes. If you do not wish to be in included, please let us know on the day.
• The walk will follow all current covid regulations.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations made 4 days prior to the event will be given a credit note for a future walk that has to be used within 90 days.

Manylion y digwyddiad

26/05/24 08:30
Math o ddigwyddiad
Walking Event
Merstham, Reigate and Banstead, Surrey, England, RH1 3HT, United Kingdom
Boots On Adventures
Manylion y Trefnydd
Visit Website