Wedi’i ychwanegu at eich Cynllunydd Taith isod

Cyfrifiannell pellter

Pellter a fesurwyd: - Milltiroedd (- km)

Cael proffil graddiant llwybr

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Ewch o un opsiwn i’r llall isod i ddangos y marcwyr sydd ar gael.

Cyffredinol Marchogaeth Beicio


Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb




Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb



Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb


Mae'r proffil o uchder eich teithlen yn cael ei greu pan fyddwch yn defnyddio’r cyfrifiannell pellter (uchod) i dynnu llinell.

Some say East Ilsley in Berkshire was once second only to London’s Smithfield market and the number of village inns reached 12 in order to cater for the influx of drovers, farmers and sheep shearers from as far afield as Scotland. Eighty thousand sheep were auctioned in a single day in 1844! Sheep would arrive into the village through the day and night and were held in pens temporarily erected along the High Street and in an adjacent meadow known today as Pen Meadow.

Today it is a quiet village with many historic buildings to admire and two pubs.

Discover more about East Ilsley through the Ridgeway Top 50 Sheep and Industrial Heritage

Manylion yr atyniad

East Ilsley, West Berkshire