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The Spaceguard Centre is a working astronomical observatory located near Knighton in mid-Wales. Sited at the top of a hill, the observatory offers outstanding panoramas in all directions, and a clear 360 degree horizon.

The Spaceguard Centre is open Wednesday to Sunday each week. Tours start at 10:30 (1 May to 30 September only), 14:00 and 16:00 each day. The tour lasts for about an hour and a half, depending on how many questions are raised!

Day or evening group tours can be booked for any time during the year. Daytime tours last for about an hour and a half, while evening tours can last longer if the sky is clear.

Please note that The Spaceguard Centre does not offer morning tours (10:30) during the winter (1 Oct to 1 May).

Attraction details

Llanshay Lane, Knighton, Powys LD7 1LW, UK