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Whether standing above the clouds on a winters morning or watching the last rays of sun striking reds, purple and gold across the valley there is always something fantastic about this place.

Quite possibly the loftiest nature reserve in the county, having uninterrupted panaromic views across the Weald.

There is a diverse number of threatened or unusual plant species on this important chalk grassland habitat creating carpets of colour during the summer months. One of the smallest, Squinancywort, has masses of tiny whitish/pink flowers which can make the site look frosted even on the warmest of days.

This rich plantlife supports a variety of specialist insects including butterflies such as Chalk hill blue, Adonis blue and Brown argus.

Where the fine wildflower filled grassland meets the bushes, there is a tangle of bramble and other rough plants. This is the perfect spot for reptiles and small mammals, such as the bank vole, to forage for food.

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