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Cotswolds National Landscape has worked with local communities to create ten Cotswold Gateways locations, from which people can follow walking and cycling routes to explore the surrounding countryside of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Following footpaths, bridleways, and minor roads, these routes provide opportunities to discover hidden corners, epic views, historic sites, and a rich diversity of wildlife.
- Distance: 6 miles
- Duration: 3 hours
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Parking: Back Lane car park, GL54 5PZ
- Public transport: accessible by bus from Traveline Cheltenham and Chipping Campden, or Prestbury, Toddenham and Broadway via Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway
- Refreshments: Find plenty of places to eat and drink in Winchcombe here: Experience Winchcombe - Food & Drink
Points of Interest:
- The Washpool - built in 1897, the Washpool is a deep, keyhole-shaped trough with stone sides. Temporary pens were erected containing hundreds of sheep, gathered for dipping. They were herded into the round well and, once thoroughly soaked, allowed to scramble out up the narrow ramp. The Washpool was fed with water from the pond immediately above it, formed by damming the stream that flows down from a spring about 200 metres up the valley which is known, appropriately, as ‘Watery Bottom’.
For more details of the walk and map please download Cotswold Gateway - Winchcombe route
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More Cotswold Gateways walks and cycle routes are available on the Cotswolds National Landscape website.