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6.8 mile linear route (one way).
This route has been designed by Experience Community for disabled people who want to experience the Pennine Way using mobility equipment such as handcycles. The route is on bridleways, minor roads, and a cycle route along a canal, so is also suitable for cyclists.
This Black Route starts at Wessenden Head just outside Meltham in West Yorkshire. The route is linear and is best undertaken as an uplift route. By this we mean that two vehicles are required, one should be left at the end of the route in Slaithwaite and then the group should drive to the start point at Wessenden Head. After enjoying the ride down the Wessenden Valley and back to Slaithwaite, the second vehicle can then be used to pick up the other vehicle from the start of the route.
The route follows the Bridleway from the top of the Wessenden Valley along part of the Pennine Way, alongside four Yorkshire Water Reservoirs before dropping into the village of Marsden where you can stop for a drink in one of the village's many cafés or pubs.
The route then follows the Huddersfield Narrow Canal down the Colne Valley back to Slaithwaite.
Free Disabled Parking is available on New Street, Slaithwaite, HD7 5AB.