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Unfortunately it has been necessary to close a section of the Thames Path just south of Runnymede Bridge / the M25 bridge. The closure is in place between the Runnymede Hotel and just north of Staines and is required for public safety due to structural damage to a footbridge following the recent flooding.

The closure is expected to be for 6 months whilst the EA determine what work is required and action it.

The footbridge is located here:

There is a diversion route available, please see the blue route on the map. The diversion takes you up beside the Runnymede Hotel on the A308 towards the A30. Please use the pedestrian crossing to cross this road as it can be extremely busy. Once across the A30 you will pass underneath the M25 and follow the Causeway (A308) for 0.6 miles (roughly 12 minutes walk) until you reach River Park Avenue on your left. Turn down this road and its end you will be able to rejoin the Thames Path.

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