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During high tides and storms, the 4 miles of main trail on Skinburness & Calvo Marshes, between Rumbling Bridge and Sea Dyke End, can flood; and at times, high numbers of cattle graze the marshes.

Tide times

If high tide is more than 9.5m, or 8.5m in poor weather or visibility, please use the suggested high tide route in the two hours either side of high tide. On the marsh, follow waymarks and footbridges to avoid tide-filled channels. Tide times for Silloth: Tide Times Silloth | ADMIRALTY EasyTide


Between 1st May and 15th November, high numbers of cattle graze this marsh. If you'd prefer to avoid cows, especially if you have a dog, please use the suggested high tide route, which is the same length as the main trail.

Exit routes

Walking from the east, the only exit route is at East Border, about one mile from the riverside access point at Rumbling Bridge/Brownrigg. Walking from the west, there is no easy escape route, so please turn back to the road at Sea Dyke End.

Stiles on high tide route

The suggested high tide route is not an official diversion, but avoids some faster, less visible, road sections and crossings. Please note that there is one very high and steep stile near Highwath Bridge, where the public footpath descends a highway retaining wall to a riverside footpath heading north towards Hartlaw and Wath.

Please take care whichever option you choose between Brownrigg and Sea Dyke End.