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Explore this 10km circular cycle route around Sheerness, this route is flat and perfect for families. It is mainly traffic free but with some sections on road. At a moderate speed they can be completed comfortably in under an hour, depending on your fitness, but with young children it will take longer. Why not stop along the way to enjoy the local attractions or spend a whole day exploring the area?

Discover the hidden history of Sheerness and why is there a sunken ship just offshore. Stop off at Barton’s Point Coastal Park, a perfect spot to catch your breath, have a drink and snack before completing this route.

Close to Barton’s Point Country Park, discover the Queenborough Lines or ‘canal bank’ as it is known locally. It is a mid 19th century ditch and mound fortification built to protect Sheerness Naval Dockyard from attack from inland. More recent concrete gun footings from both world wars can still be seen.

Once on the coast path, take the opportunity to gaze out to sea as you may be able to spot the tops of the masts of the SS Richard Montgomery which sank off the Kent coast on its way to France in August of 1944.

As you end your ride where you began why not explore the town a little, visit the Heritage Centre or Sheerness Clock Tower.


Please Note: At Neptune Terrace please dismount and use the ramp to wheel your bike down a small flight of steps. Please also take care when crossing Marine Parade to the coastal path. The nearest Station is Sheerness-on-Sea; from here you are signposted onto the route. This route is not suitable for towing children’s trailors due to several stops along the way.

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