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With its offshore reefs and the small bays these have created, Sea Palling is unique on the Norfolk Coast. These sheltered inlets are the perfect place to pause and take in the atmosphere. At certain times of the year, you might see the occasional seal, or the silver flash of a low-flying flock of terns. Sea Palling beach can be a magical place.
On the beach near North Gap, the walk passes the site of the medieval village of Eccles-Juxta-Mare, which was lost to coastal erosion in the late 16th century. In the past, shifting sands on the beach have revealed hidden archaeological treasures.
The inland portion of this 6 mile walk is just as beautiful, with far reaching views across the northern area of the Norfolk Broads. The church of St Andrew's at Hempstead stands alone on its lane, with the thatched roof glimpsed through the trees as you approach. In late summer, the hedgerows around the church and those that line the local bridleways are rich with blackberries.