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Enjoy the National Park in a nutshell on this 11-mile walk through some of the North York Moors’ most characteristic landscapes. From the craggy heights of Ravenscar the route runs across Howdale Moor for some classic moorland scenery before dropping down to the old Scarborough-to-Whitby railway line and along to the famous smugglers’ haunt of Robin Hood’s Bay. Both here and at nearby Boggle Hole you can indulge in a spot of rock-pooling and fossil-hunting, before returning along an exhilarating clifftop stretch of the Cleveland Way National Trail, via the old alum works industrial site. That’s a powerful combination of the best National Park experiences in one big day out.
- Distance: 11 miles (17.7km)
- Duration: 6 1/2 hours
- Difficulty: This is a strenuous walk
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