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Distance: 4.49 miles
Total Climb: 255 feet
Total Descent 255 feet
This Experience Community Red Route starts at the Peak District National Park Authority’s Parsley Hay Visitors Centre where there are several disabled parking spaces, a wheelchair accessible toilet, café and shop. Horse riders are advised to start instead from Hartington Station where there are facilities such as a dedicated horsebox parking area, corral, shelter, and mounting block.
The route takes in the High Peak and Tissington Trails, which are both disused railway lines and form part of the Pennine Bridleway.
The trail heads south along the flat High Peak Trail towards Longcliffe and then takes a sharp right hand turn onto “Green Lane” Bridleway after the second gate. Here the path surface becomes rougher and crosses the busy A515 before opening up to beautiful valley views as you reach the brow of the hill and drop down to the historic Hartington Station on the Tissington Trail. From here the route takes you back north past working farms, open countryside and through the railway cuttings that shape the landscape of this part of Derbyshire.
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