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This 6 mile walk takes a slightly elevated route between Mundesley and Gimingham, and typically of Norfolk, this slight rise in the land is all that’s needed to enjoy stunning views across the lush countryside. As you ramble along in the lee of the Cromer ridge, count the many church towers that stand proud of the patch-work arable and grazing land and watch smoke rise from the chimneys of Gimingham and Trunch. 

Two of the fine medieval churches can be enjoyed at close quarters on this walk - All Saints church in Gimingham lies just to the south of the route and in Trunch you'll pass directly by St Botolph's. 

Quiet lanes lead back to picturesque Mundesley where you can enjoy beautiful views overlooking the sea. The Norfolk Coast Path and Paston Way both pass through Mundesley, making it easy to explore the area further.

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