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Starting from Bure Park, Great Yarmouth, this 7 mile walk follows the River Bure out of town and onto Mautby Marsh.

Though the walk takes you no further than three miles from the bustling town, there’s a delightful sense of solitude to be found on the high flood banks that cross the marsh. It’s a glimpse of a landscape that’s seen little change in hundreds of years. The drainage mills that once kept the marsh dry enough for grazing have long since been superseded by electric-powered pumping stations, but many still stand and can be seen in the distance along the banks of the Bure.

The route passes Mautby Marsh drainage mill, now a residential property, but well-restored, sails and all. Though it no longer pumps water, the owners still turn the sails every few months to keep water from settling and causing them to rot.

Back at the start, picturesque Bure Park is the perfect spot to enjoy a picnic.

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