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Cotswolds National Landscape has worked with local communities to create ten Cotswold Gateways locations, from which people can follow walking and cycling routes to explore the surrounding countryside of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Following footpaths, bridleways, and minor roads, these routes provide opportunities to discover hidden corners, epic views, historic sites, and a rich diversity of wildlife.
- Distance: 11 miles
- Duration: 5 - 5.5 hours
- Difficulty: Strenuous – (a lengthy walk with several climbs)
- Parking: Withymead Recreation Ground, Withymead Road, SN14 8PB
- Public transport: accessible by bus from Chippenham, Bath, Colerne and Bristol
- Refreshments: The Cross House Doynton Pub; The Catherine Wheel Pub and Sweet Apples Tea Shop in Marshfield.
Points of Interest:
- Dyrham Park - owned by the National Trust this is a baroque English country house in an ancient deer park and is a popular filming location, and setting for Jane Austin's Sandition (2019); BBC series Poldark (2015-2018); The Crimson Field (2014); Remains of the Day (1993) and BBC mini-series Wives and Daughters (1999) to name a few.
- The Church of St James, West Littleton - originated in the 13th century. It was rebuilt in 1855 after being largely destroyed by fire. The striking bell tower survived and is one of the most historic and finest in the region today. The church has a collection of 18th and 19th century wall memorials and tombs which were the subject of a considerable programme of conservation work in 2010.
For more information please see here: Cotswold Gateway - Marshfield 4 Route
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More Cotswold Gateways walks and cycle routes are available on the Cotswolds National Landscape website.