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4.5 mile circular walk, cycle or horse ride
The Malham Ramble has been devised by Experience Community as a route suitable for a wide range of people. It has been graded as a black route due to the challenging nature of the surfaces over which it passes. It is all on bridleways or minor roads, so can be followed on foot, using mobility equipment, by bike or by horse.
This Experience Community Black Route starts at Watersinks Car Park at the iconic Malham Tarn in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Travelling through Malham Moor the terrain is challenging traversing grassy paths where traction can be an issue, but with views aplenty, it’s a worthwhile taste of the open moorland.
Once off the moor the route follows quiet country lanes towards Tarn Moss and joins the world famous Pennine Way long distance walking route skimming the northern edge of Malham Tarn in the shadow of Great Close Hill. This part of the route is an ideal place to stop, have a picnic and absorb your breath-taking surroundings.
The National Trust have a Tramper that can be hired with advanced booking from their Malham Tarn Estate by calling 01729 830416 or emailing The nearest disabled toilets are located at the Yorkshire Dales National Park Visitor’s Centre in Malham Village.