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The archway through Halfpenny Bridge that takes the Thames Path National Trail under the A361 road is unsafe for walkers to use due to the condition of the Bridge.

Unfortunately, the Bridge can only be repaired when the water levels in the River Thames are substantially lower.

Please follow the signed alternative route via Lechlade centre:

From the western end of the closure follow the steps up to the A361, Lechlade Road and turn left, northwards, along the pavement to the High Street, Lechlade. Turn right, eastwards, and continue along the pavement through the Market Place and along
Shelley’s Walk (Public Footpath 33 Lechlade) to the left of St Lawrence’s Church. Continue southeastwards to the A417 Lechlade Road and turn right, southwards, to pass over St Johns Bridge. Then take the steps down to rejoin the Thames Path National
Trail - from here you can choose to turn west (right) back to enjoy the meadows that you have missed on the closed section, or east (left) to continue along the route.

From the eastern end of the closure the alternative route is the
reverse of the above.

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