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A 6 mile (9.5km) circular walk from Boxhill & Westhumble station in the beautiful Surrey Hills AONB, passing through Denbies vineyard and Ranmore common.
Denbies Hillside comprises chalk downland & woodland on the southern slope of the North Downs. The land is grazed to maintain it as an important habitat, with a diverse range of wildflowers that attracts a variety of butterfly species, including the distinctive Adonis Blue.
Allow 3 hours plus travel.
Start/Finish: Boxhill & Westhumble station car park
Stile/Gates: 0 stiles, several gates
Terrain: Some hilly climbs, challenging terrain, wear suitable footwear
Views: Many spectacular views
Toilets: Boxhill & Westhumble station (when manned) and at Denbies
Refreshments: Cycle shop cafe at station, Stepping Stones pub 300m away, Denbies Vineyard cafe approx halfway round