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A 2 mile (3.5km) circular easy-access walk around Gatton Park, near Reigate, a beautiful area of Capability Brown designed parkland. Gatton Park, an area of 600 acres, was landscaped in the mid-1700s and the last private owner of the Gatton estate was Jeremiah Colman, famous for Colman’s Mustard. In 1948 the estate was sold to the Royal Alexandra and Albert School. You’ll find many interesting features of the estate as you walk round the parkland.
Allow 1.5 hours.
Start/Finish: Wray Lane free car park. Parts of Wray Lane one-way
Stiles/Gates: 0
Terrain: Some steep slopes, moderate terrain, can be slippery
Views: Many spectacular views
Toilets: At Wray Lane
Refreshments: Urban Kiosk cafe at Wray Lane