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The northern portion of this 6 mile walk skirts the woodland of Honing Common and passes St Peter’s and St Paul’s church before crossing fields back to East Ruston Village.

Though canals are commonplace across much of the country, the Dilham Canal is the only one in the whole of Norfolk. Wider than the standard, the canal was designed to carry wherries, a type of boat particular to the Broads, laden with produce to the mills. However, it was constructed at a time which soon put it in direct competition with the railways. Gradual silting up and damage caused by the great storm of 1912 hastened its decline. It now provides a haven for wildlife, especially on the wooded stretches you’ll encounter on this walk. If you’re lucky, you might spot an otter swimming quietly through the water, or even a shining blue kingfisher perched high on a branch.

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