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Due to ongoing safety concerns, a diversion is in place on the Cotswold Way between Point A Field Lane and B end of Beacon Lane (marked on map).
Walkers are advised to follow the alternative route as marked on the map and waymarked on the ground.
From North to South:
After leaving Lapdown Farm continue on the existing Cotswold Way until a junction is reached ( gr759774). Turn left instead of the usual right turn into Beacon Lane. On reaching a tarmac lane, cross over and follow signposted path. This is called Wallsend Lane. Follow this track until the tarmac lane to West Littleton is reached .(gr758761) Dunsdown Lane. Turn right and follow the lane until A46 crossing is reached. This is a quiet lane. At the A46 cross directly over to Field Lane. Follow this lane until a sharp bend where there is a CW fingerpost to Dyrham village. The A46 crossing is narrower here than with other options as you are crossing with good visibility and is Lower Risk.
From South to North:
At Badminton Plantation turn right (rather than left) onto Field Lane, at the A46 cross directly over to Dunsdown Lane. Follow Dunsdown Lane until Wallsend Lane is reached (gr758761). Turn left and follow this path until you reach Beacon Lane and are able to turn right onto the Cotswold Way.