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This Cotswold Way circular walk is twinned with route 3 of South Korea’s Jeju Olle Trai, as a mark of friendship and international cooperation between our two countries. There are many similarities between the two routes and it is hoped that teaming up in this way will promote understanding and tourism on both sides. Follow this short walk around Stinchcombe Hill to experience one of the most beautiful meanderings of the Cotswold Way
- Distance: 3½ miles (hill only route: 3 miles)
- Duration: 2 - 2½ hours (hill only: 1 ½ - 2 hours)
- Difficulty (A): Moderate – firm surface, no stiles, one long steep ascent/descent
- Difficulty (B): Hill only route - Easy mostly level, firm surface, no stiles
- Parking: For parking please see: May Lane and Long Street long stay carparks or for the easier hill only route use Stinchcombe Hill Carpark, GL11 6AQ
- Public transport: accessible via bus from Stroud, Gloucester, Cheltenham, rail and bus Bath
- Refreshments: there are plenty of places to Eat & Drink in Dursley
Points of Interest:
- Stinchcombe Hill - noted for superb views from the Cotswold Way above steep slopes in all directions and supporting a wide biodiversity of flora and wildlife.