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Serving top-quality cask-conditioned beers is the raison d'être of Watson's Ale House.

Watson's Ale House is one of a new breed of licenced establishment called a 'micropub'.  Our aim is to serve the finest cask-conditioned beers ('real ale') known to man, in an environment where ale and conversation can be enjoyed together.

Unlike most traditional pubs, we do not have any 'regular' beers that are always available, but instead offer a continuously changing selection of different styles of beer from different breweries.  Although we will sometimes serve a particularly fine beer from one of the big brewers, most of our beers are from microbreweries.  Also, we do try to focus on beers brewed locally, either in Wales or in the border counties of England.  Nevertheless, we do include in our range selected beers from across the UK.

Of course, cask-conditioned beer is not the only beverage available at Watson's.  Two or more draught ciders or perries are always on tap.  Again, we select these from local producers and serve only cider and perry that are classed as 'real' by CAMRA (made with 100% apple or pear juice, and not pasteurised or artificially carbonated).  If you're used to Magners then flat cloudy cider may come as a bit of a shock – but the taste experience of 'real' cider is in a different league altogether.

In addition to the drinks on draught, we also offer a range of quality bottled beer (including at least one German or Czech lager), selected wines (including prosecco), soft drinks, and spirits.  We are particularly proud of our range of over 15 different craft gins, the drink of choice for the modern young 'hipster'.

As the name suggests, Watson's Ale House specialises in 'real ale'.  But don't be put off if you're not a beer drinker – there are plenty of other choices of beverage to enjoy while you soak up the ambience.

Service details

24 High Street, Knighton, LD7 1AT