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Visit Pembrokeshire is the official Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Pembrokeshire. Our website will be an informative and valuable resource to help you plan your holiday on the Pembrokeshire coast.

The Pembrokeshire Coast Path. - Opened in 1970 and hugging the rugged Pembrokeshire coastline for a spectacular 186 miles or 299km, the Pembrokeshire Coast Path forms the longest and oldest established section of the Wales Coast Path.

Stretching from St Dogmaels in the north to Amroth in the south, the Path takes in some of the most breathtaking coastal scenery in Britain, as well as almost every kind of maritime landscape – from steep limestone cliffs and undulating red sandstone bays, to volcanic headlands, beaches, estuaries and flooded glacial valleys.

Lying almost entirely within the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, the trail displays an array of coastal flowers and bird life, as well as evidence of human activity from Neolithic times to the present.

Completing the Coast Path in one go, taking on average between 10 to 15 days, is quite an undertaking. The ascents and descent are said to be the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest – 35,000 feet!

Most visitors walk a short section at a time with the help of a Coast Path mileage chart, adding a piece to the jigsaw each time they visit and make good use of the coastal bus service, which serves the rural communities and coast path walkers.


Service details

Information Centre
Suite 4, Llanion Cove Offices, Cleddau Reach, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire, Wales, SA72 6UJ, United Kingdom