Kent Coast Path: Dymchurch to Hythe
From the age of steam and canals to even older lines of defence and military history, this walk takes you on a journey of both history and nostalgia.
As you begin this wonderful walk, stop to admire the English Heritage Dymchurch Martello Tower. Why not stop for a visit? Entrance is free so you have a perfect opportunity to step inside for a peek! Head alongside Dymchurch beach and explore this traditional seaside town.
Pass the historic Dymchurch Grand Redoubt, an impressive military fortification built during the Napoleonic War. Further along, pass the Hythe Ranges, one of the oldest firings ranges in the country and has been used for live firing for over 200 years.
Learn about the WW2 sound mirrors in this area, one of which can be seen near the top of the escarpment when reaching the Royal Military Canal.
Your walk end’s at Scanlons Bridge which is found next to the Hythe station of Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway.
Route Overview
The icons below highlight the distance, difficulty and theme of this itinerary.
By Water
Starting Point
Martello Tower, Dymchurch
Allow 2 hours
3 Gates, 1 set of steps
Kent Coast Path: Dymchurch to Hythe
Every step of the journey has been carefully planned to help you make the most of your walking adventure. Click on the blue tabs below for more information.
- Travel
- Maps and Guidebooks
- Food & Drink
By Rail
To/from Hythe: The nearest train station to Hythe is Sandling Station. Which is located near Saltwood. From the station catch a bus from the car park heading towards Hythe (approx 13 min journey) to Red Lion Square.
By Bus
Wave 102 bus services run from Hythe to Dymchurch.
Check for timetables and services.
By Road
Paid parking is available in Dymchurch
Car Park:
Dymchurch Beach TN29 0PX
Maps and Guidebooks
Explore Kent has produced a detailed leaflet for this walk, produced in 2019. Available to download from Explore Kent’s website or request a hard copy from Explore Kent.
Food & Drink
There are pubs and cafes in Dymchurch, as well as a variety of cafes in Hythe high street and a tearoom at the Hythe rail station.
Itinerary Map
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