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Wycoller Country Park is one of the prettiest Country Parks in Lancashire. The area is famous for its association with the Brontè sisters who referred to many of the nearby landmarks in books such as "Wuthering Heights" and "Jane Eyre". The exclusion of cars from the village and the attractive appearance of the many preserved old buildings creates a unique feeling of tranquillity which is rarely experienced today.

The Country Park has many footpaths leading to local beauty spots which include Bank House and Wycoller Beck. Disabled toilet facilities are provided within the Country Park as well as an information centre at the Aisled Barn. Trampers can be hired from Wycoller Country Park. The Tramper is a specially designed four wheel drive all-terrain electric buggy which enables people who have difficulty walking to experience the countryside.

The Pennine Bridleway passes right through Wycoller.

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