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Perched high on a cliff, it's easy to see why the haunting remains of Whitby Abbey were inspiration for Bram Stoker's gothic tale of 'Dracula'. Sink your teeth into years of history, amazing views and a packed events programme, just a short climb away from the picturesque Yorkshire seaside town of Whitby.
Immerse yourself in 13th-century gothic splendour, and roam the ruins of the abbey church, to discover remnants of richly carved details and mouldings.
This spectacular headland was first settled as a monastery in AD657 by King Oswy of Northumbria. It became one of the most important religious centres in the Anglo-Saxon world under the formidable Abbess Hild. She ruled over both men and women in a double monastery called Streaneshalch.
Centuries of weather and war have taken their toll - parts of the abbey church have collapsed during storms, and its west front was hit by German naval shelling in 1914.
Enjoy exhilarating views every way you turn from this natural vantage point, across the harbour and town, and into the countryside beyond. The ruins of the abbey stand proudly on top of the East Cliff headland above the busy seaside town of Whitby.
If you are feeling energetic, climb the 199 steps up from the town. These were the steps that Bram Stoker's mysterious animal bounded up after it leapt to shore from the deserted ship.
Listen to the audio tour tell the stories of the abbey as you wander the ancient ruins and take in the stunning views.