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Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve lies immediately to the north of Sevenoaks. The reserve was the first example of a gravel pit site being developed for the purpose of nature conservation.  It is a spectacular site for birds, as well as dragonflies and damselflies there is also a diverse community of plants, fungi and other wildlife, including creatures of the night such as bats and glow-worms. So far well over two thousand species have been identified and more are regularly being added to the list.

This pioneering nature reserve covers 73.00 hectares and comprises five lakes surrounded by woodland, there are a few ponds, seasonally flooded pools as well as grassland and small areas of reedbed, the clear water of river Darent flows through the northern part of the reserve and supports a reasonable population of invertebrates and fish.

The Jeffrey Harrison Visitor Centre has been the starting point for thousands of visitors to the reserve since 1987. The centre displays exhibitions illustrating the prehistory and history of the site, the creation of the reserve, its habitats and the wildlife that they support. In addition, the Visitor Centre can advise you on how best to enjoy your day at the Reserve, highlighting recent wildlife sightings, walks and trails and forthcoming events. The Visitor Centre has an indoor seating area and a café serving hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and a selection of savoury and sweet snacks. There is also a shop area selling local produce, bird food and accessories and a great range of binoculars and scopes which we are happy for you to test onsite so that you get the right one for you.

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