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Following a major refurbishment to our Offa's Dyke exhibition rooms we will re-open on 1st March 2021. There will be more room for visitors to maintain their social distance while moving around the displays. Our book shop, giftshop and tea room will of course be open as well. The re-opening will also feature the launch of a major art exhibition by artist Dan Llywelyn Hall.
We are a membership based charity, the friends’ group for both Offa’s Dyke the ancient monument and Offa’s Dyke Path National Trail. Download our English language membership leaflet
a gallwch lawrlwytho’r fersiwn Cymraeg yma.
By choosing to buy your Trail books and maps from us you will be helping to support our Conservation Fund. The fund grant aids practical projects the length of the Dyke that help to ensure its conservation for this and future generations. Our online shop is at
We runs the popular walkers’ Passport scheme with 12 stamping stations along the Trail with proceeds supporting our Conservation Fund.
We always welcome new members (join online via our website). Become a member, join the discussion and become involved with our projects!
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