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Yew Tree House is a beautiful old house situated on a quiet lane close to the main road that links Burnham-on-Sea and Brean. It is an ideal place to stay if you would like to walk north along the coast path to Brean Down and Weston or south along the coast path to Burnham-on-Sea and on towards Bridgwater.
We have seven en-suite rooms with wifi, central heating and a nice hot shower. Three ground floor garden rooms with doors opening onto the patio and four rooms on the first floor in the main house.
Every booking includes a home cooked breakfast, which is served between 8am and 9.30am. There are a variety of delicious breakfasts to choose from and we cater for most dietary requirements. Each breakfast order is freshly prepared and cooked using local ingredients where possible.
Berrow beach with its the golden dunes, sandy beach and coastal path is a ten minute walk away through Berrow Nature Reserve. The holiday resort of Brean with attractions and places to eat and drink is within walking distance.
Yew Tree House is just ten minutes’ drive from Junction 22 of the M5.