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A warm welcome awaits you at Westward Rise Holiday Park at Brean. Westward Rise lies between the coast road and the famous Brean Sands which stretch for 7 golden miles to the resort town of Burnham-on-sea. The Beach can be reached by our own private secured pathway through the dunes, with no roads to cross.
Our Holiday Park’s accommodation comprises two bedroom Chalet-Bungalows which are open all year round with central heating during the colder winter months. Dogs are welcome and there is a launderette available with free ironing facilities and ample parking.
The Holiday Park has a host of seasonal entertainment and amenities within easy walking distance. Shops, Restaurants, Takeaways, Clubs and Amusements are a stroll away. So too is Brean Leisure Park with its Funfair, Indoor Swimming Pool, Golf Course, Restaurant, Cabaret Club, Markets & Car Boot Sales.
Alternatively, you may feel that you would like to take advantage of the Holistic Therapies which are available to all our Residents and Guests.