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Tan Y Graig is situated 1 mile from the Glyndwr Way at Meifod and is the penultimate stop when walking to Welshpool.
Accommodation consists of a double room with a king size bed and a twin room, both are ensuite and contain a sofa which converts into a sofa bed suitable for one adult or two children. The rooms also have a colour television and clock radio , tea and coffee facilities, hair dryer , wine glasses and cork screw,
Evening meals are home cooked and freshly prepared and are available by prior arrangement. Our Welsh breakfasts are served with our own freshly made home made breads, packed lunches are also available.
We offer a pick up and drop off service at cost and also luggage transfer. Please let us know when you book should you require this service
Credit and debit cards accepted.
WiFi is also available.
We look forwards to meeting you at Tan Y Graig and making your stay with us a relaxing and memorable one