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A long established, traditional hotel very close to Oxford city centre, with a garden leading down to the banks of the River Thames and the Thames Path. Staff take pride in personal and friendly service.
Located an easy walk to the centre of Oxford, at Osney Bridge on the Thames Path we are an ideal location for Thames walkers. Less than two minutes from Oxford main station. The River Hotel is within easy walking distance to the centre of Oxford and with car parking on site you can leave your car with us while you walk along the Thames. Woodstock and Blenheim Palace are twenty minutes drive from the hotel.
The hotel has twenty rooms, with single beds, double rooms, or family rooms with a double and single bed. Rooms have en-suite bathroom with overhead shower.
Traditional table service breakfast with freshly cooked items to order in our river restaurant overlooking our garden and the River Thames.
Free secure left-luggage room after check-out, or for later collection by a luggage courier.
Large enough to be comfortable ... small enough to be friendly.