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High Rigg offers comfortable, high quality accommodation in an idyllic rural location just three miles from Helmsley, where the Cleveland Way starts. The house, a Victoran villa, is set back from a quiet country lane, in 5 acres of pasture and woodland, with great views over surrounding hills. We have plenty of secure, off-road parking and storage for bikes.
Situated in the village of Nawton, there is a regular bus service to the start of the trail in Helmsley or we can usually drive guests there if they prefer. We also offer free parking for guests doing walks spanning several days, so no worries about where to leave your car.
We have just two B&B rooms, so can cater for your individual needs, whether you are walking, biking or just relaxing. Both rooms have a good quality king-sized bed and an en-suite bathroom. One has a bath and separate shower and the other has a shower over the bath. Other facilities include TV with Freeview, free wi-fi, complimentary tea & coffee making facilities and toiletries. You will also have access to our garden and seating areas. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and all our food is sourced locally.