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We are situated a short drive from the Ridgeway, but are located almost on/adjacent to the Thames Path, Chiltern Way, Shakespeare Way and The Beeches Way.
We are a summer seasonal site only. Check website for opening details/dates.
Nestled on the fringes of the Chiltern Hills, this rural spot with good urban connectivity is great for a quick getaway, or a longer settle in stay. Just a few miles from the M40 motorway, and 10 minutes from the M4 and M25, we are easy to find. 5 pubs can be found within walking distance - and a short drive delivers you to the famous Model Village, Odds Farm with soft play area, Nature Reserves, Sports Grounds, Play Parks, local shops and services, and several National Trust properties (including Cliveden). They are all waiting here for you to explore soon.
The camping and glamping site is perched at 100 metres above sea level snuggled between two woodlands, Wash Hill Wood & Farm Wood. An opening between the woodlands gives sight to a stunning view down the valley of the River Wye, a famous protected chalk stream which once provided New Zealand with their Brown Trout. We are dog friendly - so long as you have friendly dogs.
The spacious 13-acre site incorporates open space for recreation/leisure, and boasts a wild flower/seed strip where you can sit on the fringes and enjoy the evening sunset, observe local wildlife, or simply take in the view.