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The Phoenix Trail is a 5 mile shared use path for walkers, cyclists, wheelchair users and horseriders with magnificent views of the nearby Chiltern Hills and chance to observe Red Kites, the impressive birds of prey that thrive in the area. A traffic-free cycle ride between Princes Risborough and Thame, a tranquil path to amble along with your dog on a summer's evening, somewhere safe to teach your child to ride their first bicycle, or a connecting route for horses to get on and off The Ridgeway at Bledlow.
It is flat and surfaced and ideal for wheelchairs and pushchairs and there is seating every 500 metres.The first 2.5 miles out of Thame are surfaced with tarmac and the remainder with compacted limestone dust. Wheelchairs may experience difficulty with the access ramps.
We hope you find this information helpful. If you do please consider making a small donation to help us continue to care for the Ridgeway National Trail and provide information about it.