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Kelmscott is well known for the house where William Morris lived, and is popular with visitors in summer. Here is a short (1 mile) circular walk to find peace by the river and Thames Path. Starting from the gates of the Manor House, walk down the track to the river, where the Thames Path has a sign to the right, across a footbridge, through a gate and into a field. Follow the Thames Path beside the river, past a pillbox, until you reach a gate at the end of the large field. Turn right over a stile to take the path at the edge of the field. As you turn, note the boats moored on the opposite side of the river, around a white building that was once the Anchor Inn. The path along the edge of the field goes through a hedge and across a stream. Continue ahead between two field to the next hedgerow where the path turns right back to Kelmscott. The footpath leads into a lane which comes to the Plough Inn. Check opening times if you want a meal at the pub. The road ahead goes back to the Manor House. If you are visiting by car, please note that there is no car park at the Manor or near the Manor. There is a car park near the church which is available on the Manor open days, otherwise it is best to start and end at The Plough pub. Photo credit: Bend in the river near Kelmscott Manor by A Kilner.