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High Force is England’s biggest waterfall, spectacularly drops 70 feet (21m) into a plunge pool below.
From its rise as a trickle, high on the heather covered fells at the top of the North Pennines, to the top of the whin sill rock at Forest -in-Teesdale, the River Tees steadily grows and gathers pace.
There are several ways to visit High Force.
- A walk on the Pennine Way along the River Tees from Bowlees to the top of the falls, with the return along the same route.
- A 5 mile circular walk from Bowlees Visitor Centre or High Force car park.
- A longer circular walk from Middleton in Teesdale.
- A short walk to the bottom of the falls from the High Force Hotel (fee payable).
- High Force is a dramatic sight and along with a well-maintained car park and a picturesque picnic area, from which walkers can set off along many way marked routes; it makes an ideal place to stop for a picnic and a base for exploring Teesdale and the North Pennines by car, bike or on foot.