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Shalford Mill is an 18th-century watermill with well-preserved machinery

The mill is a ‘living’ place where the graffitied, lime-washed walls and the ancient hessian sacks mingle with the smell of the timbers and tallow. A lucky survivor, it tells the story of the decline of traditional village work and life. 

Although the machinery no longer works, you can feel the evocative stories of the past in the very fabric of the mill. Guides will tell you about the wonderful story of the Ferguson Gang, a tale of eccentric girls from the 1930s, determined to save the fabric of England for the future.

When you visit, you'll also be able to buy Shalford Mill flour bagged by our friends, Imbhams Farm Granary.

Attraction details

Shalford, Guildford GU4 8BS, UK