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The museum was opened in 1938 by Alexander Keiller and is now divided into two separate galleries; the Stables Gallery which has a wonderful display of the archaeological finds from the area and the Barn Gallery which has interactive displays and a children's area. 

The Barn Gallery
Step inside our 17th-century threshing barn, now the Barn Gallery of the Alexander Keiller Museum. Here, interactive displays and activities for children bring the archaeology and landscape of Avebury to life.

The Barn Gallery uses interactive displays to show Avebury in the wider landscape and in time, helping to put the whole of the World Heritage Site Landscape into perspective.

Our activity area for children is designed to bring prehistory to life: dress up in Bronze Age clothes or make an archaeological rubbing.  There's a quiet area so that children can take some time out from running around the stones and enjoying some fun games and colouring in.

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