Haverigg beach: keeping on track

Keeping on track

From this side, it is tempting to continue along the beach towards Haverigg, but beware!

The shingle and saltmarsh ahead of you fans out into the estuary, taking you a long way from the path.

It also hosts some of the UK’s rarest seabirds, whose nests are so well camouflaged their survival is threatened: because if predators can’t even see them, neither can we and our canine companions.

Toads on the trail!

As you continue along this path, you’ll see a number of shallow pools where natterjack toads breed. We can help them survive by keeping dogs away from any water (even puddles on the path!) so toads and tadpoles can spawn and grow in peace.

In an emergency

Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard. You are at grid ref SD144777.


This A4 sized sign has a graphic illustration of a coastal scene in the background, with text in a white box in front, illustrations of a little tern bird and a natterjack toad, and a line of logos along the bottom.