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This 11 mile route offers a leisurely ride running along the north edge of the downlands and offering views of the Thames Valley and Didcot Power Station. There is only one significant climb at Hagbourne Hill. Around 6.5 miles are virtually traffic-free on a combination of public bridleways and tracks. The remaining 4 miles are on quiet country lanes. The section of route south of Didcot includes a county wildlife site with a number of rare species, Sustrans manages the site in consultation with Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust. There are numerous links to The Ridgeway, known as Britain's oldest road, and the Berkshire Downs.
Surfaces vary from tarmac through tar spray and gravel chippings to limestone dust, but are designed for easy riding throughout.

We hope you find this information helpful. If you do please consider making a small donation to help us continue to care for the Ridgeway National Trail and provide information about it.

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