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This short, classic walk of about 1 mile out and back along the Cleveland Way and England Coast Path National Trails offers one of the most spectacular views over the village of Robin Hood’s Bay and across to the magnificent cliffs of Ravenscar. On a clear day the distant headland of Flamborough can be seen over 30 miles away.
The walk has a maximum gradient of about 1:10 dropping for 20 metres just after the Station Road car park at the start and there is another similar gradient where it rises on leaves the Cinder Track, leading onto the cliff path.
The walk is classified as a Miles without stiles (For Many) route.
Miles without Stiles Categories
The Miles without Stiles categories are for 'all', 'many', or 'some' and are based on gradients and surface conditions. The grades are a guide only, so please weigh up your route choice carefully.
For all
Suitable for everyone, including pushchairs and people operating their own wheelchairs.
Gradient: No more than 1:10
Surface: Tarmac or smooth, compacted stone with a diameter of 10 mm or less. Path width will be a minimum of 1 metre with passing places.
For many
Suitable for assisted wheelchair users and families with more robust, all-terrain type buggies.
Gradient: Existing gradients no more than 1:10, although newly built gradients can be up to 1:8
Surface: The path surface will be rougher stone of 4 cm diameter or less.
For some
Strong and confident wheelchair users and helpers may find routes 'for some' within their abilities. May be suitable for off-road mobility scooters.
Gradient: Gradients are not limited, but slopes greater than 1:8 will have improved surfacing, or handrails.
Surface: There may be some low steps or breaks in the surface up to 10 cm in height. Stone surface material may be up to 10 cm in diameter.
Path surface details and gradients
After leaving the tarmac footpath the route joins the Cinder Track on a compacted limestone path. After a short distance it turns right off the Cinder Track and climbs a slope of about 1:15. At the top of the slope it continues on the field with only slight gradients on the fully surfaced path on average 1 metre wide with only slight gradients. There are two gates which are fully accessible.
From the Station Road car park the walk crosses the road and at the end of Mount Pleasant North joins the Cinder Track for a short distance, before turning right up the slope and into the field. From here it joins the cliff path. Follow the path to the fantastic viewpoint across Robin Hoods Bay, just before the Kissing Gate and return the same way.
Nearest Facilities
The nearest accessible toilets are in the Station Road car park (closed in winter). There is ramped access for refreshments at the Grosvenor Hotel opposite the car park and at the Victoria Hotel at the top of the hill down to the old village.
You can download and follow this walk on OutdoorActive (Robin Hood's Bay Accessible Walk)