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We are the National Park Society for the South Downs, the only charity dedicated to protecting the whole of the National Park and its heritage.

Independent & member led we were founded in 1923 as a response to a threat of housing development which would have stretched across the cliff tops of the famous Seven Sisters. We are as passionate today, as were our founders, that the South Downs should be available for the enjoyment of all as well as future generations.

  • We fight campaigns against inappropriate development and fund conservation projects.
  • We take an active role in safeguarding and improving the rights of way network and extending areas of open access land across the National Park.
  • We encourage the public to learn more about the National Park.
  • As the National Park Society we watch over the activities of the National Park Authority as a challenging friend including suggesting things they might do to enhance the National Park

We are an entirely independent charity, not funded by the Government, and so the interest of our members is our priority in retaining the beauty of the Downs.

At only £23.00 for the year as an individual or £32.00 for a couple, membership bought for yourself, or as a gift, will help to ensure the work of the Society continues and the Downs are protected for generations to come. 

Service details

Information Centre
Pulborough, Pulborough, West Sussex RH20 1RL, UK