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Quality guest house in a prime location, just 50 metres from Weymouth beach and a short stroll to the town centre and picturesque harbour.
We have 5 rooms, all decorated individually to a high standard, with the guest in mind. Free WIFI, LCD Freeview TV, tea/coffee making facilities, towels, toiletries, hairdryer, fan, central heating, radio alarm clock and mini fridge as standard. Own keys for 24 hour access, limited free parking, bike hire can be arranged from our guest house.
At Kelston Guest House, we pride ourselves on our cooked to order, freshly prepared full English breakfast. Using locally sourced produce, free range eggs and a proper butcher’s sausage. Gluten free diets catered for.
Both Karen & Martin are local people, which we feel gives our guests the opportunity to experience unique knowlege, that only a ‘local’ would know.